The Buffaloes football coaching staff reached out and touched acommunity, a community experiencing a great divide. It was said by aperson observing the clinic from the sidelines that this was the firsttime in Lake Providence that a town was unified by an event such asthe football clinic for two high school football programs. BriarfieldAcademy is the private high school in Lake Providence. LakeProvidence High School is the other high school in the small town.The two schools are divided by railroad tracks. You get the picturethat I am trying to paint. But all of that history was put to rest onFriday. Briarfield Academy crossed the tracks and came over to workout with Lake Providence High School in what is hoped to be the 1stAnnual ABC Buffaloes Football Fundamentals Camp.
A few weeks ago, Coach Richard Wilson and his staff agreed to take onthe challenge of building unity through a football clinic for bothteams. It was indeed a success. For two hours the teams cametogether to work on football fundamentals. If you didn't know anydifferently, you would have thought that this was at least the fifthpractice because it was well organized and the young men worked verywell together. Sports has a way of bringing different peopletogether. NFL great quarterback, Bert Jones worked with thequarterbacks and also talked to the student-athletes about workinghard in the off season.
This event was organized by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship ofLouisiana in partnership with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship ofArkansas. Last year, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Arkansasrelocated their state headquarters from west Little Rock to the campusof Arkansas Baptist College.
After the football clinic, the teams ate and worshipped together atLake Providence High School. President of ABC, Fitz Hill spoke to theteams and several members of the community in the school's auditoriumabout being courageous and stepping outside your comfort zone insideyour local community. He stressed getting to know your neighbors,explaining that strength is in unity not individualism.
At the conclusion of the community rally, the Cooperative BaptistFellowship of Louisiana announced that they will start an annual scholarship for one student from Lake Providence to attend ABC. Itwas truly a blessed day for everyone involved.
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